A Bakery. Not a Factory.

Our Pretzel's

Center City Pretzel Co. makes the best and healthiest pretzel around. Call today and pick up your hot delicious soft pretzel or, better yet, let us deliver it to your business location for you (deliveries suspended; feel free to order thru the UberEats app for delivery depending on location)!

“The only pretzel that matters in Philly”

It was an real incredible experience for me. The quality of pretzel's was only matched by the quality of service I got. I wish I can keep the flavor in my mouth for ever. Thanks for making the evening an unforgettable one.
Sandra Jones

Introducing the
“The Zagel® Original Pretzel Bagel”

New for the year! Pretzel? Bagel? Both! Don’t forget to tell a friend, #wediditfirst

Philly's Favorite Pretzel

CENTER CITY PRETZEL CO. is the ONLY ALL-NATURAL soft pretzel company in the tri-state area and has been for over 40 years!

The Ingredients

We use only 3 simple and wholesome ingredients: FLOUR, YEAST, WATER.

We are also a NUT-FREE and DAIRY-FREE facility.

And, we are Kosher certified*!

*(Community Kashrus of Greater Philadelphia)


The Zagel®

Please help us welcome The Zagel® Pretzel? Bagel? BOTH!
Sold by the half dozen in the a.m.!
Cream cheese  |  Breakfast sandwich  |  Panini  |  Burger bun alternative
Elevate your pretzel palate!

Now Shipping Nationwide with